Welcome to dylanserver.xyz

Web Scripting

Week 1 Q-unit code QUnit.test( //“test text” Function(assert){ Assert.ok( //condition, //”print if true” ); } );

Week 2


Strict-mode -> must declare variables

When defining a variable, it returns the value hence can use that to define another value to it


+ - * / %

Math.round() floor() random() //0 -> 0.9


&& || !== != <> ===


“” + .length

<> //alphabetical

Infinity = 2 to the 53

Infinity – infinity = not a number

X -> hexa-decimal

O -> octal

B -> binary

== abstract equality

=== equality -> exact same item

When x ===x == false then x is Not a Number (NaN)

!!x -> change x into a Boolean value


Use JSON for file system

Functions can be held as a value stored in a variable

Downwards scope so code can use anything created above it


For (var char of word)

MDN, you don’t know java series

Week 1


Identify best professional practices

Use those practices

Critically evaluate design and implement changes into applications


JS browser-side

JS server-side

API’s & architecture

Coursework Support


Weekly download of Q-unit tests (formative)

Coursework 50% all year (spiral methodology)

48-hour hackathon 25% (client-side from scratch)

48-hour hackathon 25%(client and server from existing)


Drag and drop window management

Use JavaScript only

Example code

View port fixed size for tablets

:// html to be used server-side

Web sockets to link server to client via ports

Event listeners(load, connect listener)

When load add a new event handler

Parse binary into code

Stringfy code into binary to system or server

NPM node package manager